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Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records and Stats

Place Bucharest,Romania
Updated On 2024-07-17 06:41:33 By Puspendra Singh
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Delve into the records and statistics at Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov, including milestones, achievements, and notable performances, to celebrate the rich cricketing legacy of this iconic venue Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov T20 Details

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov organised 3 T20 matches. First Batting Team won 1 matches and chashing team won 2 matches. 948 runs scored by 659 delivered balls in total 3 T20 matches (with both innings runs) and per match runs average is 316.00 & strike rate is 143.8 . Highest score for T20 is 195 & Lowest score is 112 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Boundaries count are 115 with 20 sixes and 95 fours on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Score analysis are 100-149 Runs 2 times, 150-199 Runs 4 times, 200-249 Runs 0 times, 250-299 Runs 0 times, 300-349 Runs 0 times, 350-399 Runs 0 times times, 400+ Runs 0 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket analysis are lbw 5 times, bowled 17 times, stumped 0 times, catch 10 times, run out 3 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Wicket Taker are Left Arm 0 wickets and Right Arm 32 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 0 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 0 wickets, Medium bowler 0 wickets, Slow bowler 0 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Left Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 0 wickets, bowled 0 wickets, stumped 0 wickets, catch 0 wickets. Right Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 0 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 0 wickets, Medium bowler 31 wickets, Slow bowler 1 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Right Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 5 wickets, bowled 17 wickets, stumped 0 wickets, catch 10 wickets.

Bowlers Took 70 Wickets (In 3 T20 matches) with Strike Rate of 18.82 and Average of 27.08 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. 35 Right Handed AND 0 Left Handed batsman out by bowler on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Right Handed Batsman T20 outtype analysis are LBW 5 times, Bowled 17 times, Stumped 0 times, Catch 10 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Handed Batsman T20 outtype analysis are LBW 0 times, Bowled 0 times, Stumped 0 times, Catch 0 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Fielding analysis are Catch 10 times, Stumping 0 times, Direct Throw(Run Out) 1 times, Throw(Run Out) 2 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov T10 Details

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov organised 163 T10 matches. First Batting Team won 83 matches and chashing team won 76 matches. 34495 runs scored by 18027 delivered balls in total 163 T10 matches (with both innings runs) and per match runs average is 211.62 & strike rate is 191.3 . Highest score for T10 is 197 & Lowest score is 54 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Boundaries count are 4890 with 2193 sixes and 2697 fours on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Score analysis are 100-149 Runs 152 times, 150-199 Runs 25 times, 200-249 Runs 0 times, 250-299 Runs 0 times, 300-349 Runs 0 times, 350-399 Runs 0 times times, 400+ Runs 0 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket analysis are lbw 104 times, bowled 333 times, stumped 60 times, catch 940 times, run out 167 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Wicket Taker are Left Arm 17 wickets and Right Arm 1091 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 0 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 10 wickets, Medium bowler 7 wickets, Slow bowler 0 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Left Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 2 wickets, bowled 3 wickets, stumped 0 wickets, catch 12 wickets. Right Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 9 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 75 wickets, Medium bowler 983 wickets, Slow bowler 13 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Right Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 79 wickets, bowled 265 wickets, stumped 48 wickets, catch 698 wickets.

Bowlers Took 70 Wickets (In 163 T10 matches) with Strike Rate of 11.10 and Average of 21.24 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. 1253 Right Handed AND 19 Left Handed batsman out by bowler on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Right Handed Batsman T10 outtype analysis are LBW 78 times, Bowled 274 times, Stumped 43 times, Catch 716 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Handed Batsman T10 outtype analysis are LBW 1 times, Bowled 3 times, Stumped 2 times, Catch 12 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Fielding analysis are Catch 940 times, Stumping 60 times, Direct Throw(Run Out) 57 times, Throw(Run Out) 110 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov WDT20 Details

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov organised 10 WDT20 matches. First Batting Team won 2 matches and chashing team won 8 matches. 1865 runs scored by 1792 delivered balls in total 10 WDT20 matches (with both innings runs) and per match runs average is 186.50 & strike rate is 104 . Highest score for WDT20 is 197 & Lowest score is 41 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Boundaries count are 156 with 1 sixes and 155 fours on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Score analysis are 100-149 Runs 2 times, 150-199 Runs 3 times, 200-249 Runs 0 times, 250-299 Runs 0 times, 300-349 Runs 0 times, 350-399 Runs 0 times times, 400+ Runs 0 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket analysis are lbw 4 times, bowled 34 times, stumped 4 times, catch 39 times, run out 12 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Wicket Taker are Left Arm 19 wickets and Right Arm 30 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 0 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 0 wickets, Medium bowler 19 wickets, Slow bowler 0 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Left Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 0 wickets, bowled 5 wickets, stumped 0 wickets, catch 14 wickets. Right Arm Wicket Taker's analysis are Fast bowler 0 wickets, Fast-Medium bowler 8 wickets, Medium bowler 22 wickets, Slow bowler 0 wickets on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Batsman wicket taken by Right Arm Bowlers in Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov analysis are lbw 3 wickets, bowled 11 wickets, stumped 1 wickets, catch 15 wickets.

Bowlers Took 70 Wickets (In 10 WDT20 matches) with Strike Rate of 19.06 and Average of 19.84 on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. 71 Right Handed AND 6 Left Handed batsman out by bowler on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Right Handed Batsman WDT20 outtype analysis are LBW 4 times, Bowled 28 times, Stumped 0 times, Catch 28 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov. Left Handed Batsman WDT20 outtype analysis are LBW 0 times, Bowled 0 times, Stumped 1 times, Catch 4 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Fielding analysis are Catch 39 times, Stumping 4 times, Direct Throw(Run Out) 5 times, Throw(Run Out) 7 times on Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov.

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records Batting

Competitions T20 T10 WDT20
Matches 3 163 10
Runs 948 34495 1865
Highest Score 195 197 197
Lowest Score 112 54 41
Average 316.0 211.6 186.5
Balls Faced 659 18027 1792
Strike Rate 143.8 191.3 104.0
100-149 Runs 2 152 2
150-199 Runs 4 25 3
200-249 Runs 0 0 0
250-299 Runs 0 0 0
300-349 Runs 0 0 0
350-399 Runs 0 0 0
400+ Runs 0 0 0
4s 95 2697 155
6s 20 2193 1
Lbw 5 104 4
Bowled 17 333 34
Stumped 0 60 4
Catch 10 940 39
Run Out 3 167 12
Wicket Taker
Left Arm 0 17 19
1- Fast 0 0 0
2- Fast-Medium 0 10 0
3- Medium 0 7 19
4- Slow 0 0 0
1- Bowled 0 3 5
2- Catch 0 12 14
3- Stumped 0 0 0
4- Lbw 0 2 0
Right Arm 32 1091 30
1- Fast 0 9 0
2- Fast-Medium 0 75 8
3- Medium 31 983 22
4- Slow 1 13 0
1- Bowled 17 265 11
2- Catch 10 698 15
3- Stumped 0 48 1
4- Lbw 5 79 3

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records Winning Stats

Competitions T20 T10 WDT20
Matches 3 163 10
Won 1 83 2
Loss 2 76 8
No Result 0 4 0

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records Bowling

Competitions T20 T10 WDT20
Matches 3163 10
Balls 659 18027 1792
Runs 948 34495 1865
Average 27.1 21.2 19.8
Strike Rate 18.8 11.1 19.1
Maiden 2 18 6
3-4 Wickets 1 77 5
5-7 Wickets 2 120 3
8-9 Wickets 1 46 3
10 Wickets 1 16 3
Wickets 35 1624 94
Lbw 5 104 4
Bowled 17 333 34
Stumped 0 60 4
Catch 10 940 39
Hit wkts 0 1 0
Batsman Type
Right Handed 35 1253 71
1- LBW 5 78 4
2- Bowled 17 274 28
3- Stumped 0 43 0
4- Catch 10 716 28
Left Handed 0 19 6
1- LBW 0 1 0
2- Bowled 0 3 0
3- Stumped 0 2 1
4- Catch 0 12 4

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Records Fielding

Competitions T20 T10 WDT20
Matches 3163 10
Catch 10 940 39
Stumping 0 60 4
Direct Throw(RO) 1 57 5
Throw(RO) 2 110 7

Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov Recent Matches

128-5 (10.0)
129-1 (8.1)
115-2 (10.0)
110-8 (10.0)
139-3 (10.0)
99-9 (10.0)
133-5 (10.0)
122-4 (10.0)
165-1 (10.0)
167-2 (9.5)
125-4 (10.0)
130-3 (8.3)
69-7 (10.0)
71-2 (5.1)
136-2 (10.0)
106-6 (10.0)
61-7 (8.3)
62-1 (3.5)
Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov T20 FAQ
Total 115 (4s:95, 6s:20) boundaries hitted in 3 matches
100+ runs scored 2 times, 150+ runs scored 4 times, 200+ runs scored 0 times, 300+ runs scored 0 times, 350+ runs scored 0 times, 400+ runs scored 0 times in 3 matches
bowled 17 times, catch 10 times, stumped 0 times, lbw 5 times, runout 3 times, hitwicket 0 times in 3 matches.
Left-arm 0 times (Left-fast 0, Left-fastmedium 0, Left-medium 0, Left-slow 0) and Right-arm 32 (Right-fast 0, Right-fastmedium 0, Right-medium 31, Right-slow 1) times in 3 matches.
Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov T10 FAQ
Total 4890 (4s:2697, 6s:2193) boundaries hitted in 163 matches
100+ runs scored 152 times, 150+ runs scored 25 times, 200+ runs scored 0 times, 300+ runs scored 0 times, 350+ runs scored 0 times, 400+ runs scored 0 times in 163 matches
bowled 333 times, catch 940 times, stumped 60 times, lbw 104 times, runout 167 times, hitwicket 1 times in 163 matches.
Left-arm 17 times (Left-fast 0, Left-fastmedium 10, Left-medium 7, Left-slow 0) and Right-arm 1091 (Right-fast 9, Right-fastmedium 75, Right-medium 983, Right-slow 13) times in 163 matches.
Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov WDT20 FAQ
Total 156 (4s:155, 6s:1) boundaries hitted in 10 matches
100+ runs scored 2 times, 150+ runs scored 3 times, 200+ runs scored 0 times, 300+ runs scored 0 times, 350+ runs scored 0 times, 400+ runs scored 0 times in 10 matches
bowled 34 times, catch 39 times, stumped 4 times, lbw 4 times, runout 12 times, hitwicket 0 times in 10 matches.
Left-arm 19 times (Left-fast 0, Left-fastmedium 0, Left-medium 19, Left-slow 0) and Right-arm 30 (Right-fast 0, Right-fastmedium 8, Right-medium 22, Right-slow 0) times in 10 matches.
Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov FAQ
The last match played at Moara Vlasiei Cricket Ground Ilfov County Ilfov was between REA and CLJ on Final,ECS Romania 2024, held on 12/07/24. REA scored 128-5 (10.0), and CLJ scored 129-1 (8.1). Cluj beat Royal Eagles by 9 wickets.