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Faisal Yaseen T10 Strike Rate For Stylop Golden Eagles

Faisal Yaseen Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthAug 08, 1997 (27 yr),
TeamsStylop Golden Eagles (Mostly)
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Last UpdatedLast updated 7 days ago By Puspendra Singh
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Faisal Yaseen T10 Strike Rate For Stylop Golden Eagles. Discover the career journey and achievements of Faisal Yaseen in T10 cricket, known for F.YaseenT10 exceptional prowess and skills.

Faisal Yaseen T10 Strike Rate Details
For Stylop Golden Eagles
Date MatchSR Run B 4s 6s Out
28/04/24 SGE VS MKP142.810 7 1 0 catch
04/03/24 SGE VS RST1255 4 1 0 lbw
08/03/24 SGE VS GS69.29 13 1 0 lbw
28/04/24 SGE VS SSF203 15 0 0 catch