Imran Khan T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman

Imran Khan Introduction

Role Batting Bowling
Batting Allrounder Right Handed fast Right-arm

BirthMay 2, 1986 (38 yr), ---
TeamsGorkha-11 (Mostly) Gorkha-11,
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Last UpdatedLast updated 9 months ago By Puspendra Singh
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Imran Khan T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman. Discover the career journey and achievements of Imran Khan in T10 cricket, known for I.KhanT10 exceptional Batting Allrounder prowess and skills.

Imran Khan T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman Details
Date MatchBatsman MNo Out Series StadiumCountry
28/07/22 CK VS GORV.Kumar Match 17 bowled European Cricket T10 - Portuga bowled
26/07/22 MAL VS GORA.Sarwar Match 14 catch European Cricket T10 - Portuga catch
31/03/22 FIG VS GORR.Singh Match 16 catch ECS T10 Cartaxo 2022 catch
29/03/22 IR VS GORN.Sinha Match 6 lbw ECS T10 Cartaxo 2022 lbw
29/03/22 IR VS GORM.Mohammad Match 5 bowled ECS T10 Cartaxo 2022 bowled
29/03/22 IR VS GORR.Khan Match 5 bowled ECS T10 Cartaxo 2022 bowled
24/09/21 AUT VS PORTA.Bilal Qualifier 2 (Group B) bowled ECC T10 2021 bowled
24/09/21 AUT VS PORTR.Shigiwal Qualifier 2 (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
23/09/21 ROM VS PORTR.Satheesan 18th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
23/09/21 ROM VS PORTS.Periyalwar 18th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
23/09/21 NED XI VS PORTC.Floyd 16th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
23/09/21 NED XI VS PORTB.Gorlee 16th Match (Group B) lbw ECC T10 2021 lbw
22/09/21 ROM VS PORTS.Nadigotla 15th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
22/09/21 ROM VS PORTR.Satheesan 15th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
21/09/21 HG VS PORTZ.Khan 6th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
21/09/21 HG VS PORTS.Zahir 6th Match (Group B) bowled ECC T10 2021 bowled
21/09/21 HG VS PORTK.Deldar 6th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
20/09/21 NED XI VS PORTM.Hoornweg 5th Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
20/09/21 HG VS PORTH.Mandhyan 2nd Match (Group B) bowled ECC T10 2021 bowled
20/09/21 HG VS PORTA.Kheterpal 2nd Match (Group B) catch ECC T10 2021 catch
11/09/21 FRD VS GORA.Rupu 21st Match bowled ECS T10 CARTAXO 2021 bowled
09/09/21 WLP VS GORD.Patel 13th Match catch ECS T10 CARTAXO 2021 catch
06/09/21 MAL VS GORN.Shahzad 3rd Match catch ECS T10 CARTAXO 2021 catch
06/09/21 OEI VS GORJ.Balkrisna 1st Match catch ECS T10 CARTAXO 2021 catch