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Manoj Kumar DT20 Highest Runs

Manoj Kumar Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthDec 03, 1991 (33 yr),
TeamsKRM Panthers (Mostly)
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Last UpdatedLast updated 8 days ago By Puspendra Singh
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Manoj Kumar DT20 Highest Runs. Discover the career journey and achievements of Manoj Kumar in DT20 cricket, known for M.KumarDT20 exceptional prowess and skills.

Manoj Kumar DT20 Highest Runs Details
Date MatchBO Run B 4s 6s SR
02/02/24 KRM VS SZN642 25 1 4 168
08/12/23 KRM VS SBS932 27 1 3 118.5
12/02/24 KRM VS AGT831 17 2 2 182.3
12/01/24 KRM VS MGW822 28 0 1 78.5
19/01/24 KRM VS LEX90 3 0 0 0
02/12/23 KRM VS SLRCC40 1 0 0 0