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Manoj Supun Withanage T10 Ball Faced

Manoj Supun Withanage Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthAug 16, 1987 (37 yr),
TeamsBig Easy XI, Ecovert FM Asians (Mostly)
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Last UpdatedLast updated 4 days ago By Puspendra Singh
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Manoj Supun Withanage T10 Ball Faced. Discover the career journey and achievements of Manoj Supun Withanage in T10 cricket, known for M.Supun.WithanageT10 exceptional prowess and skills.

Manoj Supun Withanage T10 Ball Faced Details
Date MatchRun B 4s 6s SROut
03/03/25 RL VS WFK8 14 0 0 57.1bowled
13/03/25 RL VS KGC7 12 1 0 58.3bowled
23/03/25 RL VS SUL11 10 1 0 110catch
23/03/24 RLC VS TCT11 10 1 0 110bowled
18/04/24 RLC VS AP8 8 1 0 100catch
26/03/25 RL VS ALH7 6 1 0 116.6lbw
15/03/25 RL VS AIOC2 6 0 0 33.3not out
14/04/24 RLC VS CHW1 2 0 0 50stumped
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