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Melrick Vinith Serrao DODI Strike Rate

Melrick Vinith Serrao Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthJun 06, 2007 (17 yr),
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Last UpdatedLast updated 6 days ago By Puspendra Singh
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Melrick Vinith Serrao DODI Strike Rate. Discover the career journey and achievements of Melrick Vinith Serrao in DODI cricket, known for M.Vinith.SerraoDODI exceptional prowess and skills.

Melrick Vinith Serrao DODI Strike Rate Details
Date MatchSR Run B 4s 6s Out
27/02/24 KUW-Y VS TL-Y756 8 1 0 catch
25/02/24 KUW-Y VS ML-Y7218 25 2 1 bowled
29/02/24 KUW-Y VS BAH-Y22.317 76 1 0 bowled
03/03/24 KUW-Y VS HK-Y206 30 0 0 catch