Nadeem Khan T10 Catch

Nadeem Khan Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthAug 10, 1994 (30 yr),
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Last UpdatedLast updated 3 months ago By Puspendra Singh
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Nadeem Khan T10 Catch. Discover the career journey and achievements of Nadeem Khan in T10 cricket, known for N.KhanT10 exceptional prowess and skills.

Nadeem Khan T10 Catch Details
Date MatchBatsman MNo Out Fielder BowlerSeries
30/06/24 WAR VS ROSS.Sanjay.Sudhaakar Match 54 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
29/06/24 TIT VS ROSL.Prabagaran Match 49 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
26/06/24 SMA VS ROSS.Singh Match 40 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
21/06/24 PAT VS ROSP.V Match 26 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
19/06/24 TIT VS ROSS.M Match 21 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
19/06/24 TIT VS ROSN.Kumar Match 21 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
19/06/24 TIT VS ROSR.S Match 21 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
18/06/24 WAR VS ROSJ.Jacab Match 18 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
15/06/24 SMA VS ROSR.Ramamoorthy Match 8 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
14/06/24 KGS VS ROSD.Rajgopal.N Match 4 catch N.Khan Pondicherry Mens T10 Tournamen
04/06/23 WAR VS KGSP.B 1st Semi-Final catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
04/06/23 WAR VS KGSS.M 1st Semi-Final catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
04/06/23 WAR VS KGSN.Kuzhandaivelu 1st Semi-Final catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
30/05/23 AVE VS KGSM.R Match 45 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
28/05/23 WAR VS KGSM.Vigneshwaran Match 38 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
24/05/23 SMA VS KGSS.M Match 28 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
23/05/23 EAG VS KGSS.Ram.Prasath Match 24 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
23/05/23 EAG VS KGSV.Singh Match 24 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
22/05/23 PAT VS KGSJ.Dagar Match 19 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T
18/05/23 AVE VS KGSV.E Match 7 catch N.Khan Siechem Pondicherry 10 Overs T