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Naveej Puthenpurayil DT20 Matches in 2023

Naveej Puthenpurayil Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

Naveej Puthenpurayil DT20 Matches in 2023. Discover the career journey and achievements of Naveej Puthenpurayil in DT20 cricket, known for N.PuthenpurayilDT20 exceptional prowess and skills.

Naveej Puthenpurayil DT20 Matches Details
Year 2023
Date MatchRun B 4s 6s SROut
24/08/23 SPC VS KRMNot Bat
09/08/23 SPC VS RSG5 11 0 0 45.4bowled
05/08/23 SPC VS FFC1 1 0 0 100not out
01/08/23 SPC VS TSKNot Bat