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Navin Stewart T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman For Pirates Bay Raiders

Navin Stewart Introduction

Role Batting Bowling
Bowler Right Handed

Navin Stewart T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman For Pirates Bay Raiders. Discover the career journey and achievements of Navin Stewart in T10 cricket, known for N.StewartT10 exceptional Bowler prowess and skills.

Navin Stewart T10 Dismissed Right Handed Batsman Details
For Pirates Bay Raiders
Date MatchBatsman MNo Out Series StadiumCountry
31/03/24 NML VS PBRA.Mahase Match 21 catch Bago T10 Blast 2nd Edition 202 Shaw Park Scarboroughcatch
25/03/24 KBR VS PBRj.mills Match 9 catch Bago T10 Blast 2nd Edition 202 Shaw Park Scarboroughcatch
24/03/24 NML VS PBRL.Lezama Match 8 lbw Bago T10 Blast 2nd Edition 202 Shaw Park Scarboroughlbw
30/11/23 MIS VS PBRS.Rambaran Match 26 catch Bago T10 Blast 2023 Shaw Park Scarboroughcatch
21/11/23 NML VS PBRT.Webster Match 11 bowled Bago T10 Blast 2023 Shaw Park Scarboroughbowled