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Ravindra Jadeja IPL Throw (Run Out)

Ravindra Jadeja Introduction

Role Batting Bowling
Bowling Allrounder Left Handed spin Left-arm orthodox

BirthDec 06, 1988 (36 yr), Navagam-Khed, Saurashtra
Height1.73 m
TeamsIndia, India U19, Rajasthan Royals, Saurashtra, Board Presidents XI, Kochi Tuskers Kerala, Chennai Super Kings, India B, Indians, India A, Gujarat Lions, India Blue, Rest of India (Mostly) India,
Social Accounts Instagram Twitter Facebook Wikipedia
Last UpdatedLast updated 14 hours ago By Puspendra Singh
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Ravindra Jadeja IPL Throw (Run Out). Discover the career journey and achievements of Ravindra Jadeja in IPL cricket, known for R.JadejaIPL exceptional Bowling Allrounder prowess and skills.

Ravindra Jadeja IPL Throw (Run Out) Details
Date MatchBatsman MNo Out Fielder1 Fielder2Series
25/04/21 RCB VS CSKD.Christian 19th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2021
16/04/21 PBKS VS CSKKL.Rahul 8th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2021
07/10/20 KKR VS CSKV.Chakravarthy 21st Match run out R.Jadeja M.DhoniIPL 2020
25/04/18 RCB VS CSKP.Negi 24th Match run out R.Jadeja M.DhoniIPL 2018
10/05/17 DC VS GLM.Samuels 50th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2017
10/05/17 DC VS GLC.Anderson 50th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2017
29/04/17 MI VS GLK.Pandya 35th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2017
29/04/17 MI VS GLJ.Bumrah 35th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2017
27/04/17 RCB VS GLA.Villiers 31st Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2017
02/05/15 SRH VS CSKS.Dhawan 34th Match run out R.Jadeja M.DhoniIPL 2015
28/04/15 KKR VS CSKA.Russell 28th Match run out R.Jadeja M.DhoniIPL 2015
08/05/13 SRH VS CSKA.Mishra 54th Match run out R.Jadeja IPL 2013
23/05/12 MI VS CSKS.Tendulkar Eliminator (3rd v 4th) run out R.Jadeja S.JakatiIPL 2012
04/05/12 DC VS CSKC.White 46th Match run out R.Jadeja M.DhoniIPL 2012
14/04/12 PWI VS CSKS.Ganguly 16th Match run out R.Jadeja R.AshwinIPL 2012
05/05/11 KKR VS KTKB.Lee 45th match run out R.Jadeja P.PatelIPL 2011
30/04/11 DC VS KTKY.Nagar 36th match run out R.Jadeja P.PatelIPL 2011
20/04/11 KKR VS KTKR.Bhatia 22nd match run out R.Jadeja P.PatelIPL 2011
26/04/09 PBKS VS RRK.Goel 15th match run out R.Jadeja S.AsnodkarIPL 2009
20/05/08 KKR VS RRA.Agarkar 44th match run out R.Jadeja M.RawatIPL 2008
01/05/08 KKR VS RRU.Gul 18th match run out R.Jadeja M.RawatIPL 2008
01/05/08 KKR VS RRL.Shukla 18th match run out R.Jadeja M.RawatIPL 2008
21/04/08 PBKS VS RRS.Sohal 6th match run out R.Jadeja K.AkmalIPL 2008