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Stanley Cherian T10 Matches 1st inn On Kuwait

Stanley Cherian Introduction

Role Batting Bowling

BirthSep 26, 1982 (42 yr),
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Last UpdatedLast updated 1 hours ago By Puspendra Singh
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Stanley Cherian T10 Matches 1st inn On Kuwait. Discover the career journey and achievements of Stanley Cherian in T10 cricket, known for S.CherianT10 exceptional prowess and skills.

Stanley Cherian T10 Matches 1st inn Details
Innings 1st inn
Country Kuwait
Date MatchRun B 4s 6s SROut
18/03/25 KRM VS AEC1 3 0 0 33.3catch
24/08/24 KRM VS AMB11 8 0 1 137.5catch
21/08/24 KRM VS AFG-XI18 17 2 0 105.8catch
10/03/24 KRM VS MEC1 2 0 0 50catch
13/10/23 SAI VS KS12 11 1 1 109stumped
31/08/23 SPC VS COH47 19 3 5 247.3catch
14/04/23 STA VS MEC0 1 0 0 0run out
17/03/23 STA VS KRM21 20 3 0 105catch