Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens DT20 Records and Statistics

Delve into the DT20 records and statistics of the Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens cricket team, including milestones, achievements, and notable performances, to celebrate their rich cricketing legacy.

Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens DT20 Batting Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 7 1 6
Runs 607 104 503
Highest Score 126 104 126
Average 86.7 104.0 83.8
Balls Faced 769 120 649
Strike Rate 78.9 86.6 77.5
100-149 Runs 3 1 2
150-199 Runs 0 0 0
200-249 Runs 0 0 0
250-299 Runs 0 0 0
300-349 Runs 0 0 0
350-399 Runs 0 0 0
400+ Runs 0 0 0
4s 57 12 45
6s 1 0 1
Lbw 7 1 6
Bowled 8 1 7
Stumped 0 0 0
Catch 22 4 18
Run Out 11 1 10
Wicket Taker
Left Arm 2 0 2
1- Fast 0 0 0
2- Fast-Medium 2 0 2
3- Medium 0 0 0
4- Slow 0 0 0
1- Bowled 1 0 1
2- Catch 1 0 1
3- Stumped 0 0 0
4- Lbw 0 0 0
Right Arm 25 3 22
1- Fast 3 0 3
2- Fast-Medium 0 0 0
3- Medium 22 3 19
4- Slow 0 0 0
1- Bowled 5 0 5
2- Catch 16 3 13
3- Stumped 0 0 0
4- Lbw 4 0 4

Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens DT20 Winning Stats

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 7 1 6
Won 3 1 2
Loss 4 0 4
No Result 0 0 0

Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens DT20 Bowling Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 7 61
Balls 816 696 120
Runs 729 648 81
Average 15.8 17.5 9.0
Strike Rate 17.7 18.8 13.3
Maiden 4 2 2
3-4 Wickets 1 1 0
5-7 Wickets 5 5 0
8-9 Wickets 1 0 1
10 Wickets 0 0 0
Wickets 46 37 9
Lbw 6 5 1
Bowled 5 4 1
Stumped 9 8 1
Catch 20 16 4
Hit wkts 0 0 0
Batsman Type
Right Handed 35 31 4
1- LBW 6 5 1
2- Bowled 3 3 0
3- Stumped 6 6 0
4- Catch 17 15 2
Left Handed 0 0 0
1- LBW 0 0 0
2- Bowled 0 0 0
3- Stumped 0 0 0
4- Catch 0 0 0

Sobisco Smashers Malda Womens DT20 Fielding Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 7 61
Catch 20 16 4
Stumping 9 8 1
Direct Throw(RO) 2 1 1
Throw(RO) 4 3 1