Spain T10 Records and Statistics

Spain ICC Ranking
T20 34 Spain 18 1649 92

Delve into the T10 records and statistics of the Spain cricket team, including milestones, achievements, and notable performances, to celebrate their rich cricketing legacy.

Spain T10 Batting Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 60 22 38
Runs 6849 2572 4277
Highest Score 174 166 174
Average 114.2 116.9 112.6
Balls Faced 3304 1289 2015
Strike Rate 207.2 199.5 212.2
100-149 Runs 31 10 21
150-199 Runs 6 3 3
200-249 Runs 0 0 0
250-299 Runs 0 0 0
300-349 Runs 0 0 0
350-399 Runs 0 0 0
400+ Runs 0 0 0
4s 385 140 245
6s 589 222 367
Lbw 13 6 7
Bowled 33 11 22
Stumped 14 1 13
Catch 252 111 141
Run Out 13 7 6
Wicket Taker
Left Arm 35 15 20
1- Fast 1 0 1
2- Fast-Medium 1 0 1
3- Medium 18 11 7
4- Slow 15 4 11
1- Bowled 1 1 0
2- Catch 29 14 15
3- Stumped 4 0 4
4- Lbw 1 0 1
Right Arm 246 100 146
1- Fast 13 4 9
2- Fast-Medium 17 12 5
3- Medium 194 83 111
4- Slow 22 1 21
1- Bowled 27 9 18
2- Catch 199 84 115
3- Stumped 8 1 7
4- Lbw 12 6 6

Spain T10 Winning Stats

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 60 22 38
Won 37 12 25
Loss 23 10 13
No Result 0 0 0

Spain T10 Bowling Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 60 3822
Balls 3449 2274 1175
Runs 7141 4816 2325
Average 21.2 22.0 19.7
Strike Rate 10.2 10.4 10.0
Maiden 2 2 0
3-4 Wickets 8 5 3
5-7 Wickets 31 21 10
8-9 Wickets 12 7 5
10 Wickets 1 1 0
Wickets 337 219 118
Lbw 9 5 4
Bowled 41 25 16
Stumped 7 4 3
Catch 240 154 86
Hit wkts 1 1 0
Batsman Type
Right Handed 257 161 96
1- LBW 8 4 4
2- Bowled 26 14 12
3- Stumped 4 2 2
4- Catch 198 125 73
Left Handed 40 28 12
1- LBW 1 1 0
2- Bowled 9 7 2
3- Stumped 1 0 1
4- Catch 22 15 7

Spain T10 Fielding Records

Innings Both 1st 2nd
Matches 60 3822
Catch 240 154 86
Stumping 7 4 3
Direct Throw(RO) 14 8 6
Throw(RO) 15 12 3