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Zagreb Sokol Records and Statistics

Delve into the records and statistics of the Zagreb Sokol cricket team, including milestones, achievements, and notable performances, to celebrate their rich cricketing legacy.

Zagreb Sokol Batting Records

Competitions T10 C2 C3
Matches 31
Runs 2788
Highest Score 149
Average 89.9
Balls Faced 1637
Strike Rate 170.3
100-149 Runs 12
150-199 Runs 0
200-249 Runs 0
250-299 Runs 0
300-349 Runs 0
350-399 Runs 0
400+ Runs 0
4s 162
6s 154
Lbw 4
Bowled 30
Stumped 2
Catch 83
Run Out 12
Wicket Taker
Left Arm 13
1- Fast 0
2- Fast-Medium 9
3- Medium 3
4- Slow 1
1- Bowled 6
2- Catch 7
3- Stumped 0
4- Lbw 0
Right Arm 84
1- Fast 12
2- Fast-Medium 18
3- Medium 49
4- Slow 5
1- Bowled 19
2- Catch 61
3- Stumped 1
4- Lbw 3

Zagreb Sokol Winning Stats

Competitions T10 C2 C3
Matches 31
Won 21
Loss 9
No Result 1

Zagreb Sokol Bowling Records

Competitions T10 C2 C3
Matches 31
Balls 1742
Runs 2821
Average 18.6
Strike Rate 11.5
Maiden 0
3-4 Wickets 14
5-7 Wickets 7
8-9 Wickets 3
10 Wickets 3
Wickets 152
Lbw 7
Bowled 44
Stumped 2
Catch 85
Hit wkts 1
Batsman Type
Right Handed 116
1- LBW 4
2- Bowled 35
3- Stumped 0
4- Catch 61
Left Handed 6
1- LBW 0
2- Bowled 1
3- Stumped 0
4- Catch 2

Zagreb Sokol Fielding Records

Competitions T10 C2 C3
Matches 31
Catch 85
Stumping 2
Direct Throw(RO) 11
Throw(RO) 11