KCA PINK T20 Points Table

Dec 17 - Dec 28, 2021 T20 21

Welcome to the one-stop destination for the latest updates on the KCA Pink T20 Challengers 2021 Points Table. As the tournament unfolds, keep track of your favorite teams' performances, standings, and their journey towards cricket glory.

KCA PINK T20 Winner

The team that emerged victorious in the KCA Pink T20 Challengers 2021 and claimed the series championship is Team Emerald. Team Emerald demonstrated exceptional teamwork and skill, securing victories and ultimately achieving the title of the KCA PINK T20 series champions.

KCA PINK T20 Top Point Leader

The team currently leading the KCA Pink T20 Challengers 2021 points table is Team Emerald. Here are some details about their performance:

  • KCA PINK T20 Top Point Leader: Team Emerald
  • Matches Played: 8
  • Wins: 7
  • Losses: 1
  • No Result: 0
  • Points: 14
  • Net Run Rate (NRR): 1.001

They have shown exceptional performance throughout the tournament, securing victories and maintaining a strong position in the points table. Keep following for more updates on their matches and performance!

KCA PINK T20: Points Table

EME W 7 1 0 14 1.001
RUB RU 4 4 0 8 0.213
PEA 4 4 0 8 -0.394
SAP 3 5 0 6 -0.179
AMB 2 6 0 4 -0.691

M = Matches, W = Win, L = Loss, N/R = No Result, PT = Points, NRR = Net Run Rate

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