Lilac Hill Park BBL 2017 Teams Records

Year 2017
Match Type BBL
Established On 1981
Place Perth,Australia
Capacity 12,000
End Names Pavilion End, River End
Timezone UTC +08:00
Location Perth, Australia
Updated On 2024-02-28 18:30:32 By Puspendra Singh
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Discover the records and statistics of teams at Lilac Hill Park BBL 2017, including notable achievements, historical milestones, and standout performances that contribute to the rich cricketing legacy of this iconic venue Lilac Hill Park.


Lilac Hill Park BBL 2017 Teams Records

Team Mode M W L R(Avg)
Date Match Result
30/12/17 20th Match, WBBL 2017-18 Scorchers Wm won by 6 wickets
21/01/17 54th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Thunder Wmn won by 5 wickets
20/01/17 50th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Scorchers Wm won by 4 runs
15/01/17 46th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Scorchers Wm won by 33 runs
Date Match Result
13/01/17 41st Match, WBBL 2016-17 Stars Wmn won by 37 runs
Date Match Result
15/01/17 46th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Scorchers Wm won by 33 runs
13/01/17 41st Match, WBBL 2016-17 Stars Wmn won by 37 runs
Date Match Result
21/01/17 54th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Thunder Wmn won by 5 wickets
20/01/17 50th Match, WBBL 2016-17 Scorchers Wm won by 4 runs
Date Match Result
30/12/17 20th Match, WBBL 2017-18 Scorchers Wm won by 6 wickets

M = Matches, M = Matches, W = Win, L = Loss, Mode = Click For More Details