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Malawi Batting Stats

Malawi ICC Ranking
T20 52 Malawi 19 933 49

Analyze the batting statistics of players from the Malawi cricket team, including runs scored, strike rates, and highest scores, to gain insights into their batting performance.

Malawi Batting Stats Highest Score

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Highest Score

Batsman Mode M Inn HS R
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 2 52 (59) 5/0 88.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 2 16 (34) 0/0 47 run out
19/11/22 BOT 2 14 (20) 0/0 70 catch
20/09/22 TAN 6 3 (8) 0/0 37.5 not out
16/09/22 KEN 2 21 (29) 2/0 72.4 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 2 17 (18) 1/0 94.4 run out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 1 28 (25) 5/0 112 catch
22/11/22 SH 1 16 (7) 2/0 228.5 not out
20/11/22 MLI 1 11 (16) 1/0 68.7 bowled
20/11/22 RWA 1 7 (8) 1/0 87.5 run out
19/11/22 BOT 1 6 (7) 0/0 85.7 catch
20/09/22 TAN 1 0 (2) 0/0 0 catch
16/09/22 KEN 1 40 (43) 4/0 93 catch
15/09/22 CAM 1 4 (6) 0/0 66.6 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 5 0 (4) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 6 35 (28) 4/2 125 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 4 18 (10) 1/1 180 not out
20/11/22 MLI 5 1 (1) 0/0 100 not out
20/11/22 RWA 7 18 (12) 2/0 150 not out
19/11/22 BOT 7 3 (1) 0/0 300 run out
20/09/22 TAN 5 11 (12) 0/0 91.6 not out
16/09/22 KEN 5 6 (4) 1/0 150 catch
15/09/22 CAM 5 7 (9) 1/0 77.7 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 RWA 6 4 (9) 0/0 44.4 bowled
19/11/22 BOT 5 15 (20) 1/0 75 run out
16/09/22 KEN 7 0 (3) 0/0 0 stumped
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 6 0 (1) 0/0 0 not out
20/11/22 RWA 5 0 (2) 0/0 0 lbw
19/11/22 BOT 6 13 (11) 1/0 118.1 run out
20/09/22 TAN 4 4 (8) 0/0 50 stumped
16/09/22 KEN 4 3 (5) 0/0 60 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 6 0 (2) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 4 9 (20) 0/0 45 bowled

Malawi Batting Stats Highest Run Scorer

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Highest Run Scorer

Batsman Mode M Inn R HS
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 2 52 (59) 5/0 88.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 2 16 (34) 0/0 47 run out
19/11/22 BOT 2 14 (20) 0/0 70 catch
20/09/22 TAN 6 3 (8) 0/0 37.5 not out
16/09/22 KEN 2 21 (29) 2/0 72.4 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 2 17 (18) 1/0 94.4 run out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 1 28 (25) 5/0 112 catch
22/11/22 SH 1 16 (7) 2/0 228.5 not out
20/11/22 MLI 1 11 (16) 1/0 68.7 bowled
20/11/22 RWA 1 7 (8) 1/0 87.5 run out
19/11/22 BOT 1 6 (7) 0/0 85.7 catch
20/09/22 TAN 1 0 (2) 0/0 0 catch
16/09/22 KEN 1 40 (43) 4/0 93 catch
15/09/22 CAM 1 4 (6) 0/0 66.6 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 4 18 (10) 1/1 180 not out
20/11/22 MLI 5 1 (1) 0/0 100 not out
20/11/22 RWA 7 18 (12) 2/0 150 not out
19/11/22 BOT 7 3 (1) 0/0 300 run out
20/09/22 TAN 5 11 (12) 0/0 91.6 not out
16/09/22 KEN 5 6 (4) 1/0 150 catch
15/09/22 CAM 5 7 (9) 1/0 77.7 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 5 0 (4) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 6 35 (28) 4/2 125 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 6 0 (1) 0/0 0 not out
20/11/22 RWA 5 0 (2) 0/0 0 lbw
19/11/22 BOT 6 13 (11) 1/0 118.1 run out
20/09/22 TAN 4 4 (8) 0/0 50 stumped
16/09/22 KEN 4 3 (5) 0/0 60 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 RWA 6 4 (9) 0/0 44.4 bowled
19/11/22 BOT 5 15 (20) 1/0 75 run out
16/09/22 KEN 7 0 (3) 0/0 0 stumped
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw

Malawi Batting Stats Most Centuries

  • Aaftab Lumdawaca

  • Matches Played: 1
  • Innings: 0
  • Average:
  • Strike Rate: 0
  • Runs: 0
  • Highest Score: 0
  • Fours: 0
  • Sixes: 0
  • Half Centuries: 0
  • Nineties: 0
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Most Centuries

Batsman Mode M Inn 100s HS
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 4 0 (4) 0/0 0 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
17/11/22 LES 9 3 (3) 0/0 100 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 3 0 (1) 0/0 0 bowled
17/11/22 LES 1 0 (3) 0/0 0 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 10 0 (1) 0/0 0 stumped
17/11/22 LES 8 8 (13) 0/0 61.5 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 8 0 (6) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 10 7 (8) 0/0 87.5 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 9 4 (3) 1/0 133.3 catch
17/11/22 LES 11 2 (4) 0/0 50 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 1 2 (6) 0/0 33.3 catch
17/11/22 LES 5 1 (4) 0/0 25 bowled

Malawi Batting Stats Most Half Centuries

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Most Half Centuries

Batsman Mode M Inn 50s HS
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 2 52 (59) 5/0 88.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 2 16 (34) 0/0 47 run out
19/11/22 BOT 2 14 (20) 0/0 70 catch
20/09/22 TAN 6 3 (8) 0/0 37.5 not out
16/09/22 KEN 2 21 (29) 2/0 72.4 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 2 17 (18) 1/0 94.4 run out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
17/11/22 LES 9 3 (3) 0/0 100 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 4 0 (4) 0/0 0 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 8 0 (6) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 10 7 (8) 0/0 87.5 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 3 0 (1) 0/0 0 bowled
17/11/22 LES 1 0 (3) 0/0 0 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 10 0 (1) 0/0 0 stumped
17/11/22 LES 8 8 (13) 0/0 61.5 bowled

Malawi Batting Stats Most Nineties

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Most Nineties

Batsman Mode M Inn 90s HS
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
17/11/22 LES 9 3 (3) 0/0 100 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 4 0 (4) 0/0 0 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 8 0 (6) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 10 7 (8) 0/0 87.5 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 9 4 (3) 1/0 133.3 catch
17/11/22 LES 11 2 (4) 0/0 50 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 10 0 (1) 0/0 0 stumped
17/11/22 LES 8 8 (13) 0/0 61.5 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 3 0 (1) 0/0 0 bowled
17/11/22 LES 1 0 (3) 0/0 0 catch

Malawi Batting Stats Most Sixes

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Most Sixes

Batsman Mode M Inn 6s R
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 5 0 (4) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 6 35 (28) 4/2 125 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 4 18 (10) 1/1 180 not out
20/11/22 MLI 5 1 (1) 0/0 100 not out
20/11/22 RWA 7 18 (12) 2/0 150 not out
19/11/22 BOT 7 3 (1) 0/0 300 run out
20/09/22 TAN 5 11 (12) 0/0 91.6 not out
16/09/22 KEN 5 6 (4) 1/0 150 catch
15/09/22 CAM 5 7 (9) 1/0 77.7 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
17/11/22 LES 9 3 (3) 0/0 100 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 4 0 (4) 0/0 0 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 8 0 (6) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 10 7 (8) 0/0 87.5 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 3 0 (1) 0/0 0 bowled
17/11/22 LES 1 0 (3) 0/0 0 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw

Malawi Batting Stats Most Fours

  • Sami Sohail

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 8
  • Average: 37.75
  • Strike Rate: 125.8
  • Runs: 302
  • Highest Score: 94
  • Fours: 28
  • Sixes: 6
  • Half Centuries: 2
  • Nineties: 1
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Most Fours

Batsman Mode M Inn 4s R
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 1 28 (25) 5/0 112 catch
22/11/22 SH 1 16 (7) 2/0 228.5 not out
20/11/22 MLI 1 11 (16) 1/0 68.7 bowled
20/11/22 RWA 1 7 (8) 1/0 87.5 run out
19/11/22 BOT 1 6 (7) 0/0 85.7 catch
20/09/22 TAN 1 0 (2) 0/0 0 catch
16/09/22 KEN 1 40 (43) 4/0 93 catch
15/09/22 CAM 1 4 (6) 0/0 66.6 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 2 52 (59) 5/0 88.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 2 16 (34) 0/0 47 run out
19/11/22 BOT 2 14 (20) 0/0 70 catch
20/09/22 TAN 6 3 (8) 0/0 37.5 not out
16/09/22 KEN 2 21 (29) 2/0 72.4 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 2 17 (18) 1/0 94.4 run out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 4 18 (10) 1/1 180 not out
20/11/22 MLI 5 1 (1) 0/0 100 not out
20/11/22 RWA 7 18 (12) 2/0 150 not out
19/11/22 BOT 7 3 (1) 0/0 300 run out
20/09/22 TAN 5 11 (12) 0/0 91.6 not out
16/09/22 KEN 5 6 (4) 1/0 150 catch
15/09/22 CAM 5 7 (9) 1/0 77.7 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 5 0 (4) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 6 35 (28) 4/2 125 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 11 4 (9) 1/0 44.4 not out
17/11/22 LES 3 6 (12) 0/0 50 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 9 4 (3) 1/0 133.3 catch
17/11/22 LES 11 2 (4) 0/0 50 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 RWA 6 4 (9) 0/0 44.4 bowled
19/11/22 BOT 5 15 (20) 1/0 75 run out
16/09/22 KEN 7 0 (3) 0/0 0 stumped

Malawi Batting Stats Best Batting Strike Rate

  • Daniel Jakiel

  • Matches Played: 8
  • Innings: 7
  • Average: 9.14
  • Strike Rate: 130.6
  • Runs: 64
  • Highest Score: 18
  • Fours: 5
  • Sixes: 1
  • Half Centuries: 0
  • Nineties: 0
  • Centuries: 0

Malawi Batting Stats Best Batting Strike Rate

Batsman Mode M Inn SR R
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 4 18 (10) 1/1 180 not out
20/11/22 MLI 5 1 (1) 0/0 100 not out
20/11/22 RWA 7 18 (12) 2/0 150 not out
19/11/22 BOT 7 3 (1) 0/0 300 run out
20/09/22 TAN 5 11 (12) 0/0 91.6 not out
16/09/22 KEN 5 6 (4) 1/0 150 catch
15/09/22 CAM 5 7 (9) 1/0 77.7 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 3 33 (26) 2/1 126.9 catch
20/11/22 MLI 4 31 (19) 4/1 163.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 4 32 (24) 4/1 133.3 catch
19/11/22 BOT 4 3 (6) 0/0 50 catch
20/09/22 TAN 3 74 (58) 11/0 127.5 catch
16/09/22 KEN 6 13 (8) 2/0 162.5 not out
15/09/22 CAM 4 6 (9) 0/0 66.6 lbw
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 2 94 (60) 13/0 156.6 not out
22/11/22 SH 2 23 (15) 1/1 153.3 not out
20/11/22 MLI 3 39 (26) 4/1 150 catch
20/11/22 RWA 3 1 (4) 0/0 25 catch
19/11/22 BOT 3 84 (55) 5/4 152.7 not out
20/09/22 TAN 2 27 (32) 2/0 84.3 catch
16/09/22 KEN 3 6 (11) 0/0 54.5 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 3 28 (37) 3/0 75.6 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 5 0 (4) 0/0 0 catch
17/11/22 LES 6 35 (28) 4/2 125 bowled
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
17/11/22 LES 9 3 (3) 0/0 100 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
25/11/22 LES 1 28 (25) 5/0 112 catch
22/11/22 SH 1 16 (7) 2/0 228.5 not out
20/11/22 MLI 1 11 (16) 1/0 68.7 bowled
20/11/22 RWA 1 7 (8) 1/0 87.5 run out
19/11/22 BOT 1 6 (7) 0/0 85.7 catch
20/09/22 TAN 1 0 (2) 0/0 0 catch
16/09/22 KEN 1 40 (43) 4/0 93 catch
15/09/22 CAM 1 4 (6) 0/0 66.6 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 9 4 (3) 1/0 133.3 catch
17/11/22 LES 11 2 (4) 0/0 50 not out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 6 0 (1) 0/0 0 not out
20/11/22 RWA 5 0 (2) 0/0 0 lbw
19/11/22 BOT 6 13 (11) 1/0 118.1 run out
20/09/22 TAN 4 4 (8) 0/0 50 stumped
16/09/22 KEN 4 3 (5) 0/0 60 catch
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
20/11/22 MLI 2 52 (59) 5/0 88.1 catch
20/11/22 RWA 2 16 (34) 0/0 47 run out
19/11/22 BOT 2 14 (20) 0/0 70 catch
20/09/22 TAN 6 3 (8) 0/0 37.5 not out
16/09/22 KEN 2 21 (29) 2/0 72.4 bowled
15/09/22 CAM 2 17 (18) 1/0 94.4 run out
Date Match BO R(B) 4s/6s SR Out
19/11/22 KEN 7 12 (20) 2/0 60 run out
17/11/22 LES 7 12 (14) 2/0 85.7 bowled
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