Germany T20 2021 In Country

Germany ICC Ranking
T20 35 Germany 33 3022 92

Discover the Germany cricket team's T20 2021 matches and performances in different countries, including recent tours, matches, and performances abroad, with insights into their success on foreign soil.


Germany T20 2021 In Country

Country Mode M W L R(Avg)
Date Match Result
08/08/21 Final, GERT20TS 2021 Germany won by 6 wickets (D/L method)
08/08/21 6th Match, GERT20TS 2021 Norway won by 51 runs.
07/08/21 4th Match, GERT20TS 2021 Germany won by 48 runs.
06/08/21 3rd Match, GERT20TS 2021 Germany won by 2 wickets
05/08/21 1st Match, GERT20TS 2021 Germany won by 5 wickets
Date Match Result
21/10/21 11th Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Italy won by 1 run.
20/10/21 10th Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Germany won by 11 runs.
19/10/21 8th Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Jersey won by 4 wickets
17/10/21 6th Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Germany won by 4 wickets
16/10/21 3rd Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Germany won by 6 wickets
15/10/21 1st Match, ICC MT20 WC EUROPE Q 2021 Jersey won by 4 runs.
11/09/21 3rd T20I, GER TO OF SPA 2021 Spain won by 1 wickets
11/09/21 2nd T20I, GER TO OF SPA 2021 Spain won by 5 wickets
10/09/21 1st T20I, GER TO OF SPA 2021 Germany won by 7 wickets

M = Matches, M = Matches, W = Win, L = Loss, Mode = Click For More Details